(Upstream, Midstream y Downstream)
With the entry into force of the Energy Reform in Mexico, between 2014 and 2015 various regulatory provisions were published and many others amended. In addition to the appearance of new links in the hydrocarbon value chain, the intervention of new government agencies and with it, new activities, responsibilities and rights for Contractors and State Productive Enterprises.
The above introduced into the Mexican legal system a new scheme for the exploitation of hydrocarbons, property of the Nation, which has as one of its main objectives, to obtain income for the State that contributes to the long-term development of the Nation.
Our specialists in the Energy – Oil & Gas area will meet the needs of clients, duly observing their fiscal regime (contractual, rights and obligations), national and international tax, operational and their intervention in the value chain:
Upstream - Hydrocarbon exploration and extraction;
Midstream -Transportation and storage; and
Downstream – Industrial transformation, distribution, and marketing.
The Energy – Oil & Gas area will have active and timely intervention, from the attention of acts of authority, advice on planning, closing and execution of contracts, consulting on legal, contractual and fiscal matters, to achieving the optimization of the companies' resources.